blogid : 17538 postid : 776329

What India needs today

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                 But it is nothing only a dream unless and until the system evolves following features and corrective measures
1-          Corruption free atmosphere.., ie the system needs honest, ,dedicated quick decision making , qualified HOD with leadership quality who may have ability to energies his subordinates in right direction with determination of achieving the specific goals in time .                                                             To adopt  total transparency in decision making process with the help of IT and other tools.factually we are loosing our 30 to 5o percent amount only because of   corruption ,efficiency loss mismanagement  and poor administrative control .Absences of leadership quality among heads is also a reason for poor performance in several sectors if we have been able to do all the  above we will be in a position to lead the world in all respect. Our Infrastructure development Employment and over all Economic growth will be boost up by at least 30 percentage from the present level, not only this we  may be able to increase our E .Growth and Employment reduction in inflation,black money, poverty and crime in all the section just by elimination of corruption from the system
2-  Every person with in the system should be made accountable for the job he has been allotted
3-Involvement of common people for the sake of lnformetion regarding Efficiency&correctiveness of the system  may be a good tool for  economic growth
3–         Other than the corruption present laws and style of working of our system used to provide safe passage and long lasting time for The corrupt and criminals not only to enjoy  the most of their
life as lord but also provide them several opportunities  to make their strong presence in all operations of governance/adminstration/and judiciary to make things favourable to them  .It needs to be checked.
4 –     Infrastructure development should be given top priority as It is said ” mother’s of overall growth of any country,ie a country with good infrastructure have automatic potential to attract establishment of industries and creation of job’s and other benefits                                                                        Job oriented core industries like textile, steel, coal and reality estates need to be provided their due share. there is unlimited scope of all type of employment including unskilled  one ,in these industries .Not only this, these industries has tremounds capacity of generating wealth and are equally fruitful for agriculture ,Power and Real estate and other industries, thus mother of over all growth.
5-            undoubtedly economic growth needs continuous power supply but at reasonable rates it may be achieved not only by increasement  in power production by cheapest available resourses and updated technology  but also by  lmproved infrastructure ,better distribution system reduction in line loss/theft and non payment etc.but this improvement needs strong will power of states as well as central government.

6-        Parameter for Making avaibility of resources for the development or to other benefits should not be ,on basis of  city or village but the individual  .Automatic ally it will eliminate  the chances of discrimination and grievance’s of the people of different location’s

7-          All the scheme’s of rural devolpememt includinng benifits to farmer/BPL/sc/st should come under  one umbrella . it will reduce administrative expenses  and misuse of funds and will persuade proper monitoring for the job  with good administrative control over the system  for speedy and accurate implementation
8-          Agriculture and village industry has ability to become driving force of Indian ecconomy and growth of jobs what it needs is its due share in case of allotment of required resource’s
 9-       MNAREGA ,not only because of corruption but also due to its present defective format , is  a heavy loss to the ,Agriculture , Industry and  to the over all rural devolopment  as well as to the govt for misuse of its fund  for unplanned and temporary  nature of work with zero productivity  But after certain modification and amendments  the scheem maybe converted in to  a useful instrument for, the growth of agriculture, lndustry,and may generate huge amount of employment, thus reduction in poverty and  may boost rural developement.what it needs to project it as, lnstitution for skill developement, self employment scheems ,food preservetion project etc ,assistance to the farmer for workforce and as a Employment exchange   for suply of unskilled and semi skilled worker to the Industry and near by govt  projects.
        Under long term planning it may also be developed as financial help center for so many
rural developement work ,self employment projects  Animal’s husbandry, agro based cottage and craft industry these work force may also be capitalised for rural Irrigation’s projects and roads
  10–      We are hurry in the process of adopting GM crops to increase our  agriculture Production but are doing nothing for storage of Rain water in village tanks and lakes ,a good &cheapest source of Irrigation to increase the yield as well as  ground water level of our rural areas                                           11–                            Other than going for growth in production of fruits and vegetables we should also facilitate the means and tools to check their wastage It Will improve income of our Farmers as well as check the high pricing .                                   12  –           Because of shortage of F.C.I Godowns. We are allowing Millions Tons of food grains – to go for damage due to rain /theft/and other type of irregular ties whereas our country is having thousands of Godowns of closed public and pvt Industries with enormous capacity are lying idle for want of material. This capacity can be used to avoid the wastage of  millions of tons of grains  that will  not only save the public money but will also check the shortage and price rise and theft                        13–                   There is too much gap between the amount expended by the govt. and the amount reached to the needy person or  its ultimate distination it needs to be checked by reduction of comunication gap, through, transparancy, and involvement of common man  with the activities

14-there are huge scope of  production  of electric/energy /organic fertilizer through proper management and   recycling of all type of waste and residue, specially organic and plastic waste.At present it has unlimited scope for the generation of  cheap energy and production of  organic fertizer.I will also be helpful in polution control  house keeping of the urban areas and may save foreign exchange
15–              Our Education system from primary to higher is full of controversies No one at govt level is taking care of it few people who some time try to take initiation are used to send to back sheet  .bare some institution rest  are lack of Infrastructure and good faculties  resulting detoriation in quality of the Education At any stage there is nothing to add moral values ,dedication ,dutifulness in the personality of their student it needs to be looked after strictly
16 -our recruitment process specially of states
and in some cases of  the center also is full of loopholes, prejudice behavier, correption and political favour.This process can never select right person for the right job moreover person selected through illigimate  maner can never be  a faithful employee with ability ,moral values and dedication for his  job. Some states has stared using it as job center  for their cader. to make the services one of a political wing of their party .This is detoriated the quality and efficiency of the services as well as people’s faith on them.
on line selection through autonomus body full of honest able and dedicated  person may be a tool for the job may be a alternate to over come this problem
17-most of our population  is lack  of moral values
honesty ,dutifulness, and dedication to the nation. actually  durring the period of forigen ruler what the most we people have lost was  the above mentioned  individual qualities which we have got from our ancestors . to day except very few ,every sitting on key posstion is lndulge in spoilling the lnterest of nation for thesake of their personal gain lmeadiately after freedom  it was necessary for then ruler to make it compulsory for individual to adopt that qualities what they have lost durring the forigen rule so that our country may achieve status of our  past golden days but in place of adopting right but hard way of ruling the nation our politician have adopted the way what mugals and english had chosen to rule over india for decades for safety of their rule,i.edivision of society  on the basis of language ,region,religion,sub religion ,cast,sub cast and many other ways  to make them weak, confused and enemy of each other ,the easiest way of getting the power and enjoying it for a long timefor ruling the nation and states .the short cut method of getting the power has also  persuaded the criminals and unsocial eliments to get entry into our political system  and this became one of the  measure cause for failure of our all the system from government to administration and m other services .unless& until the problem is solved all efforts will be in vain and india will never be in a position to become one of the super power of the world..the job for the purification may be started from the top conveying the massage to the lower level for strict follow up.we also need to  take the lession from small countries like japan south koria  isarayal who in spite of so many odds only because of the strict follow up  above mentioned qualities have find reasonable place in the world map but we, in spite of having most of the requried resourse could’nt do much because of lack of the above required qualities.

still nothing is lost.  from the day we start to do things on right direction every thing will be with in control in short span of time
          one good thing which needs to realise is that inspite of all odds  and confusion created by so called secularist and hardliners baring few ,most of the muslim youths are coming forward to join the main stream of the nation .it needs to be persuaded

          undoubtedly people across the country are expecting more  and more from the new government specially from the newly elected prime minister .what will be in the future only god knows .therefore

                    wishing a bright future for the  new government  along with people of india

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